Our following paper was accepted by Sensors (Q1), indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Hoang NH, Liang Z. Detection and Severity Classification of Sleep Apnea Using Continuous Wearable SpO2 Signals: A Multi-Scale Feature Approach. [7 March 2025]
Our following poster received an Honorable Mention for Best Poster Award at the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics, a premier international conference of health informatics. Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2025) Anxiety Detection in Reddit Posts through Emotion Dynamics Analysis. [22 Feb 2025]
Dr. Liang was honored to receive Special Recognition for Outstanding Review for her work at the 2025 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'25), the premier international conference in Human-Computer Interaction. This marks the third time she has received this recognition, following CHI'22 and IMWUT'21. [18 Feb 2025]
Our following paper was accepted by JMIR Mental Health (Q1), indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Saskovets M, Saponkova I, Liang Z. Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: A Scoping Review. (Acceptance rate = 25%) [5 Feb 2025]
Our following papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 2025 ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025), indexed by Scopus. Liang Z, Hwang D, Chen S, Hoang NH, Khotchasing K, Melcer EF. User Preferences for Interaction Timing in Smartwatch Sleep Hygiene Games. (Acceptance rate = 10%) [17 Jan 2025]
We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial collaborators. [15 Jan 2025, 13 Nov 2024, 19 July 2024]
Our PhD student Ms. Nhung Huyen Hoang won the Best Doctoral Candidate Project Award at the Doctoral Consortium at the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) for the project "Serious Gamification App for Improving Sleep-Wake Cycle and Sleep Education". [9 Jan 2025]
Our following papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics, indexed by Scopus. [8 Jan 2025]
Kosasih KK, Karlsson DC, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2025) Eyes as Windows to the Heart: Predicting Heart Rate from Pupillometric Features.
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2025) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data: A Comparative Study of Diabetic and Healthy Populations.
Hoang N, Liang Z. (2025) Reconsidering AHI as an Indicator of Sleep Apnea Severity: Insights from Mining Large, Longitudinal Sleep Datasets.
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2025) Anxiety Detection in Reddit Posts through Emotion Dynamics Analysis.
Liang Z. (2025) Assessing Dietary Protein Intake: A Comparative Study of Two Consumer Mail-In Nutrition Test Kits.
Our following papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics, indexed by Scopus. Carvalho CF, Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2025) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data: A Comparative Study of Diabetic and Healthy Populations. [21 Dec 2024]
Our following papers were published in the Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference, indexed by Scopus. [11 Dec 2024]
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Developing Consumer Wearable Compatible Computational Models for Non-Invasive Glucose Estimation in Diabetes Patients.
Ahmed H, Liang Z. (2024) CLOUDS: Seamless Mood Tracking on the Wrist.
Liang Z. (2024) Harnessing Consumer Smartwatches for Heart Rate Streaming in Unity Game Engine.
Dr. Liang provided a demo lecture on engineering in daily life for high school students from Notre-Dame High School. [9 Dec 2024]
Our following paper was published in Proceedings of IEEE HealthCom 2024, indexed by SCI and Scopus. [18 Nov 2024]
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Physiological Signal Based Blood Glucose Prediction in Diabetics and Non-Diabetics.
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Wearable-Friendly Apnea Severity Classification.
Priyadarshana YHPP, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024). Transferring Large Language Models for Depression Detection through Multi-Party Conversation Analysis.
Dr. Liang was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for JMIR mHealth and uHealth, a top journal in health informatics and digital health. [21 Oct 2024 ]
Our following paper was published by JMIR Serious Games, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Liang Z, Melcer EF, Khotchasing K, Chen S, Hwang D, Hoang NH. Game On for Zzz’s: The Role of Relevance in Shaping Perceptions of Sleep Hygiene Games Among University Students. [23 Sep 2024]
We provided 2 sessions of Capstone-Mini program to middle school students from Ikuei Nishi High School. [19 Sep 2024]
Our master student Mr. Cleber Franca Carvalho received a Best Presentation Award at the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence (BDCI 2024) for the presentation entitled "Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models". [14 Sep 2024]
Dr. Liang received a Best Presentation Award at the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024) for the presentation entitled "Middleware Solution for Real-Time Physiological Data Streaming from Consumer Smartwatches". [14 Sep 2024]
We made the following presentation at the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering. [14 Sep 2024]
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) A Human-Computer Interaction Study of Smartwatch Application for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle.
Liang Z. (2024) Middleware Solution for Real-Time Physiological Data Streaming from Consumer Smartwatches.
We made the following presentation at the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence. [14 Sep 2024]
Franca Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models.
Karunarathna ST, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Estimation Models for Diabetes and Their Utility on Healthy Individuals.
We made the following presentation at the VIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS 2024). Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Utility of fNIRS for Evaluating Human Voice Acoustics for Stress Management. [10 Sep 2024]
Our following paper was accepted by Sleep and Breathing, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Liang Z. (2024) Developing Probabilistic Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Home-Based Sleep Apnea Screening using Overnight SpO2 Data at Varying Data Granularity. [14 Aug 2024]
We made the following presentation at NEURO 2024, the joint meeting of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP), and the 8th Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS) Congress. Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Effect of Soothing Human Voice on the Stress Response. [24 July 2024]
Dr. Liang provided a demo lecture on app development based on OpenAI in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan. [20 July 2024]
We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial collaborators. [17 July 2024]
Our PhD student Mr. Yapa Prasan won an Honorable Mention Award at the 2024 IEEE CIS Student Grand Competition in Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare, with the following project Vishadha: Early Smart Depression Detector . [30 June 2024]
Our following paper will be published in the Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) ProDepDet: Out-Of-Domain Knowledge Transfer of Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Depression Detection in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations. [16 March 2024]
Our following paper was accepted in Frontiers in Education, indexed by SCI and Scopus. Liang Z. (2024) More Haste, Less Speed?: Relationship between Response Time and Response Accuracy in Gamified Online Quizzes in an Undergraduate Engineering Course. [3 June 2024]
Dr. Liang was invited to serve as an Associate Chair (AC) for the ACM CHI 2025 (Subcommittee: Health), a premier conference in the field of human-computer interaction. [31 May 2024]
Our following paper was accepted in Frontiers in Digital Health (Q1), indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Priyadarshana YHPP, Senanayake A, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) Prompt Engineering for Digital Mental Health: A Short Review. [28 May 2024]
We held open lab events for visitors from Thailand (high school students and teachers), Indonesia (high school students and teachers), Vietnam (high school students and teachers), US (undergraduate students from Ohio State University), Brazil (members of SEMESP), The Philippines (high school students and teachers). [April 2024-Jan 2025]
We provided Capstone-Mini program to visitors in seven Open Campus events. [March - Sep 2024]
Our following paper was accepted by JMIR Research Protocols, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I, Saponkova I. (2024) Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: Protocol for A Scoping Review. [2 May 2024]
Our following paper will be published in the Proceedings of The 2nd Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop (BTIW 2024). Liang Z (2024) Exploring the Impact of Wearable Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Glucose Regulation and Eating Behavior in Healthy Individuals: A Pilot Study. [22 April 2024]
Our following paper was published in Frontiers in Digital Health, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus. Liang Z, Melcer E, Khotchasing K, Hoang HN. (2024) Co-design Personal Sleep Health Technology for and with University Students. [9 April 2024]