Three Main Research Tracks
Model, Algorithm
This research track focuses on developing novel computational models and algorithms with consumer wearbles for physical and mental health.
1.1 Wearable Sleep Health
1.2 Wearable Glucose Sensing & Prediction
1.3 Eye-Tracking & Pupillometrics
1.4 NLP/LLM-based Mental Disorder Screening
1.5 fNIRS Brain Imaging
#dataScience #modelling #sleepTracking #eyeTracking #glucoseSensing #depressionDetection #anxiety #fNIRS #brainImaging #signalProcessing #machineLearning #LLM #NLP #SNS #timeSeriesAnalysis #deepLearning #interpretability #fNIRS #temporalSpatial
System, Application
This research track focuses on developing novel IoT systems and applications to support a data-driven eco-system for desired behavior change.
2.1 Wearable Data Streaming Eco-system
2.2 Mobile Health (mHealth) App Development
#appDevelopment #Android #wearOS #Unity #googlePixelWatch #HR #games #labStreamingLayer #LSL #mHealth #digitalHealth
Interaction, Trial
This research track focuses on understanding how people interact with digital health technologies.
3.1 Co-design Serious Sleep Games
3.2 Human Voice as Therapy
#humanComputerInteraction #psychology #HCI #UI/UX #behaviorChangeTheory #gamification #nudge #digitalHealth #mHealth #mixedMethod #RTC #fieldTrial #thematicAnalysis #interviews