Liang Z, Yapa H. P. P. P. (2024) From smartwatches to social network services: digitalize health with ubiquitous and personal computing technologies. Language & Semantic Technology Research Team (LST), Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (AINRU), National Electronic & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand.
Liang Z. (2023) From Serious Games to Wearables: Supporting People with Developmental Disorders with AI-Empowered Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. KUAS Research Network Symposium.
Liang Z. (2023) Ubiquitous and personal computing for health and wellbeing. International Seminar on Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Liang Z. (2022) Machine learning and data mining in consumer health informatics. International Seminar on Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Liang Z. (2021) Mobile and Wearable Computing for Studying Human Physiology and Behavior in the Wild. Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.
Liang Z. (2020) Wearable Technologies for Enhancing Health and Sports Performance. Health and Sports Science Seminar, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, KUAS.
Liang Z. (2019) Wearable Computing and Personal Informatics for Health and Wellbeing. Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.
Liang. Z. (2018). Time and sequence matter: investigating the relationship between sleep and day-time events. Asian Deans' Forum 2018: The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop, Hongkong.
Liang. Z. (2015). Unburdening Overloaded Urban Healthcare Systems with Data-Driven Personalized Self-Care. Singapore Scientific Conference, Singapore.