Liang Z, Hwang D, Chen S, Hoang NH, Khotchasing K, Melcer EF. (2025) User Preferences for Interaction Timing in Smartwatch Sleep Hygiene Games. In the Proceedings of the 2025 ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025). (Acceptance rate = 10%) [Scopus]
Kosasih KK, Karlsson DC, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2025) Eyes as Windows to the Heart: Predicting Heart Rate from Pupillometric Features. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal.【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2025) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data: A Comparative Study of Diabetic and Healthy Populations. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal.【First author is master student】 [Scopus]
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2025) Anxiety Detection in Reddit Posts through Emotion Dynamics Analysis. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal.【First author is master student】 [Scopus]【Honorable Mention for Best Poster】
Hoang N, Liang Z. (2025) Reconsidering AHI as an Indicator of Sleep Apnea Severity: Insights from Mining Large, Longitudinal Sleep Datasets. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. 【First author is PhD student】 [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2025) Assessing Dietary Protein Intake: A Comparative Study of Two Consumer Mail-In Nutrition Test Kits. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. [Scopus]
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Developing Consumer Wearable Compatible Computational Models for Non-Invasive Glucose Estimation in Diabetes Patients. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia.【First author is undergraduate student】[Scopus]
Ahmed H, Liang Z. (2024) CLOUDS: Seamless Mood Tracking on the Wrist. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia.【First author is undergraduate student】[Scopus]
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Physiological Signal Based Blood Glucose Prediction in Diabetics and Non-Diabetics. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom 2024), Nara, Japan.【First author is undergraduate student】[SCI/Scopus]
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Saleh A, Liang Z. (2024) WristPet: Promoting Daily Physical Activity Through Nudge Theory in a Smartwatch App. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. 【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2024) LSTM-Based Glucose Prediction for Prediabetes. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan.【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2024) Time Series Analysis for Social Media Anxiety Detection: A Mini Review. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan.【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Apnea hypopnea index estimation from low-granularity overnight oxymetry data. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), Rome, Italy.【First author is PhD student】[Scopus]
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) ProDepDet: Out-Of-Domain Knowledge Transfer of Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Depression Detection in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations. In the Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Yokohama, Japan.【First author is PhD student】[Scopus]
Hoang HN, Khotchasing K, Melcer E, Liang Z. (2024) Serious gamification app for improving sleep-wake cycle and sleep education. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), Rome, Italy.【First author is PhD student】[Scopus]
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Exploring Sleep Apnea Risk Factors with Contrast Set Mining: Findings from the Sleep Heart Health Study. In Proceedings of The 11th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA-11), online.【First author is PhD student】[Scopus]
Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models on Three Distinct Populations. In Proceedings of The 11th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA-11), online.【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Liang Z, Nishida S, Noguchi T, Maenaka T. (2024) GyroTetris: Merging Mobile Gaming and Motion Sensing to Boost Motor Skills and Enjoyment. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2024) Harnessing Consumer Smartwatches for Heart Rate Streaming in Unity Game Engine. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia. [Scopus]
Liang Z (2024) Exploring the Impact of Wearable Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Glucose Regulation and Eating Behavior in Healthy Individuals: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of The 2nd Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop (BTIW 2024), Tokyo, Japan. [Scopus]
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), Rome, Italy. (Full paper acceptance rate = 25%)【First author is PhD student】【Best Paper Award (= top 1%)】[Scopus]
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) HelaDepDet: A Novel Multi-Class Classification Model for Detecting the Severity of Human Depression. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2023), Osaka, Japan. 【First author is PhD student】[Scopus]
Nhung H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Contrast set mining for actionable insights into associations between sleep and glucose in a normoglycemic population. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2023), Lisbon, Portugal.【First author is master student】[SCI/Scopus]
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2023) Developing a Cross-Platform Application for Integrating Real-time Time-series Data from Multiple Wearable Sensors. In Proceedings of the 10th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA2023), Cyberspace.【First author is master student】[Scopus]
Del Valle A, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) A bi-national investigation of the needs of visually disabled people from Mexico and Japan. In Proceedings of 7th the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2023), Rome, Italy.【First author is master student】 [Scopus]
Jayen H, Lukovnikova A, Nhung HH, Liang Z. (2023) Mining Contrast Rules in a Sleep Apnea Dataset. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan. 【First authors are visiting undergraduate students】[Scopus]
Liang Z. (2023) Effect of Decision Boundary for Logistic Regression Classifiers on Sleep Apnea Screening Accuracy with Wearable SpO2 Data. In Proceedings of the14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2023), Kyoto, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2023) Developing Sleep Apnea Screening Models Compatible With Low-Resolution SpO2 Data. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2023) Multiscale attention entropy (MSAE) of overnight pulse oximetry for assessing sleep apnea. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023), Kyoto, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2023) Comparing Attitudes Towards Mobile App Development between International Students and Domestic Japanese Students. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2023), Auckland, New Zealand. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z. (2023) Enhancing Learning Experience in University Engineering Classes with Kahoot! Quiz Games. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2023), Takamatsu, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) An experience report on English medium instruction (EMI) based computing education in a faculty of engineering in Japan. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2023), Tokyo, Japan. [Scopus]
Tanaka D., Tanaka J., Ikuru K., Liang Z., Piumarta I. (2022) AkiKomi: Design and implementation of a mobile app system for real-time room occupancy estimation. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), Osaka, Japan. 【First authors are undergraduate students】[Scopus]
Liang Z., Nhung H. H., Bertrand L., Cleyet-Marrel N. (2022) Context-aware sleep analysis with intraday steps and heart rate time series data from consumer activity trackers. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2022), Cyberspace. (Full paper acceptance rate = 23%) [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z. (2022) Contextualizing introductory app development course for first-year engineering students. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2022), Hong Kong. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z. (2022) Correlation analysis of nested consumer health data: a new look at an old problem. In Proceedings of the IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2022), Osaka, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z. (2022) Association rules mining on multimodal quantified-self data. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, Jakarta, Indonesia. [Scopus]
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2021) Investigating the effect of feature distribution shift on the performance of sleep stage classification with consumer sleep trackers. In Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021), Kyoto, Japan. 【First author is master student】[Scopus ]
Bertrand L, Cleyet-Marrel N, Liang Z. (2021) The role of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in automatic detection of eating activities. In Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), Nara, Japan. 【First authors are visiting master students】[SCI /Scopus]
Liang Z. (2021) An N-of-1 investigation into stress-related hemodynamics in the prefrontal cortex during the first sleep cycle. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021), Melbourne, Australia. (Acceptance rate = 57%) [SCI /Scopus]
Liang Z, Nishi M, Kishida I. (2021) Teaching Android app development to first year undergraduates: textual programming or visual programming? In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Wuhan, China. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, da Costa Junior MG, Piumarta I (2020) Opportunities for improving the learning/teaching experience in a virtual online environment. In Proceedings of In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Takamatsu, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z (2020) Student research competition (TALE SRC). In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Takamatsu, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Tatha O, Andersen L (2020) Developing mHealth app for tracking academic stress and physiological reactions to stress. In Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), p.147-150, Kyoto, Japan. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) A two-stage imbalanced learning method to sleep stage classification using consumer activity trackers. HEALTHINF 2020, Valletta, Malta. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2019) Enhancing active learning in web development classes using pairwise pre-and-post lecture quizzes. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. [Scopus]
Liang Z. (2019) Design of a web development attitudes survey. In Proceedings of IEEE TALE 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. [Scopus]
White G, Liang Z, Clarke S. (2019) A quantified-self framework for exploring and enhancing personal productivity. In Proceedings of the 17th Intl Conf on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI '19), Dublin, Ireland. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Achieving accurate ubiquitous sleep sensing with consumer wearable activity wristbands using multi-class imbalanced classification. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICOM '19). p.768-775, Fukuoka, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining resampling and machine learning to improve sleep-wake detection of Fitbit wristbands. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI '19). Xi'an, China. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining numerical and visual approaches in validating sleep data quality of consumer wearable wristbands. In Proceedings of IEEE PerCom Workshops (IQ2S Workshop), p.777-782, Kyoto, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) A top down approach for teaching web development on cloud. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Wollongong, Australia. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Iino N, Nishimura T, et al (2017) Novel use of Nintendo Wii balance board for automatic evaluation on motion quality: feasibility and preliminary results. IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), Nagoya, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Are wearable EEG devices more accurate than fitness wristbands for home sleep tracking? Comparison of consumer sleep trackers with clinical devices. IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), Nagoya, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Iino N, Nishimura T, Nishimura S, Yoshida Y. (2017). Utilizing mobile devices for evaluating body trunk coordination: feasibility and preliminary results. The 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, Toyama, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Considering interpersonal differences in validating wearable sleep-tracking technologies. The 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, Toyama, Japan. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Ploderer B, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Is Fitbit fit for sleep-tracking? Sources of measurement errors and proposed countermeasures. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Barcelona, Spain. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Nishimura T, Nishimura S. (2017). Explicit exercise coaching for health promotion based on bio-mechanics and ontology engineering. In Proceedings of Health-i-Coach 2017, Barcelona, Spain. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Ploderer B. (2016) Sleep tracking in the real world: a qualitative study into barriers for improving sleep. In Proceedings of OzCHI 2016. Tasmania, Australia. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) A personalized approach for detecting unusual sleep from time series sleep-tracking data. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI '16). Chicago, US. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Nagata Y, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) Nurtuing wearable and mHealth technologies for self-care: mindset, tool set and skill set. In Proceedings of the 18th Int Conf on Networking, Applications & Services (HealthCom 2016), Munich, Germany. [SCI/Scopus]
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) Mining hidden dependencies between sleep and lifestyle factors from quantified-self data. In Proceedings of the New Frontiers of Quantified Self 2 Workshop (QS Frontier 2016) @ UbiComp '16. Heidelberg, Germany. [SCI/Scopus]
Nishimura T, Liang Z, Nishimura S, et al. (2016) Health promotion community support for vitality and empathy: visualize quality of motion (QoM). In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII 2016). Toronto, Canada. [Scopus]
Liang Z, Ploderer B, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T.(2016). A cloud-based intelligent computing system for contextual exploration on personal sleep-tracking data using association rule mining. In Proc. of ISICS 2016, Merida, Mexico. [SCI/Scopus]